What is Cinco en Mayo?

Cinco en Mayo is a membership campaign and friendly competition between NAHN Chapters to recruit the most new members! The aim of Cinco en Mayo is to increase NAHN membership by 5% or more between May 1 - May 31. Chapters must be at least one year old and have a minimum of 10 members as of May 1 to qualify. 

Congrats to the Qualifying NAHN Chapters!

Congratulations to the NAHN Chapters that reached their goal of increasing their chapter membership by 5% or more during the month of May! These chapters will be entered to win prizes, which will be announced at the NAHN 2024 Annual Gala in Atlanta on Saturday, August 3.

  • Alabama
  • Angeles del Deserto (Yuma)
  • Central Florida
  • Central Valley (Fresno)
  • Dallas
  • Georgia
  • Greater Cincinnati
  • Houston
  • Inland Empire
  • Massachusetts (Greater Boston)
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Orange County
  • Oregon (Portland)
  • Phoenix
  • Sacramento
  • San Diego
  • San Francisco/Golden Gate
  • West Florida
  • Westchester

Are there prizes available?

Yes! Eligible chapters that increase their membership by 5% or more with new members during the month of May will be entered to win the below prizes. Chapters must be at least one year old and have a minimum of 10 members as of May 1 to qualify. 

  • 1st: $100 Visa Gift Card
  • 2nd: $50 Visa Gift Card
  • 3rd: $25 Visa Gift Card

All chapters that meet the 5% goal get awarded 5 NAHN pins each to share with their members.

How can NAHN chapters recruit new members?

There are many ways chapters can recruit new NAHN members this May. Here are a few ideas:

  • Personal Invitations: Personally invite friends, colleagues, professionals and students in your network who you think would benefit from being a member of NAHN to join. Consider including a motivational story about how NAHN has been a positive experience for you. Your contacts can join NAHN online at nahnnet.org/membership.
  • Social Media & Video Reels: Post on your chapter social media accounts multiple times throughout the month of May and include the hashtag #NAHNCincoEnMayo. NAHN National created social media graphics and draft posts for your convenience (linked below). Consider making an Instagram Reel video highlighting what makes your chapter great and introducing some of your chapter members to your audience. Tag @nahn_nursing so that we can share it!
  • Eblast: Send an eblast to prospective members on your mailing list and invite them to join.
  • Virtual or In-Person Event: Consider hosting a virtual or in-person event and invite prospective members to attend and learn more about NAHN and your chapter.
  • Get Creative: There are many other opportunities to reach new members, get creative!

Social Post Ideas

NAHN compiled the following social post text to help provide content ideas for Cinco en Mayo. Feel free to use these drafts or create your own! You may also want to add the Join Now link to the bio of your profile (nahnnet.org) during the month of May.

It's that time again...#NAHNCincoEnMayo! Help our NAHN chapter increase membership by 5% this May. Top chapters get entered to win Visa gift cards up to $100! Join the fun by inviting your friends to #JoinNAHN today at nahnnet.org.

Do you have a friend or colleague who would LOVE being part of our local chapter? Invite them to #JoinNAHN this month as part of the #NAHNCincoEnMayo campaign! This friendly competition challenges each chapter to increase their membership by 5% between May 1 and May 31, and three of the top chapters will get Visa gift cards up to $100. Don't miss out on the fun, invite your contacts to become #NAHNMembers at nahnnet.org!

It's time for a little friendly competition! Join us during the month of May for #NAHNCincoEnMayo, a fun-filled campaign with amazing prizes in store for three of the top NAHN chapters. Between May 1 and May 31, each chapter is invited to recruit new members to #JoinNAHN. At the end of May, all chapters that reach their 5% recruitment goal will be entered to win fantastic prizes! Winning chapters will get Visa gift cards. Invite your friends, colleagues and coworkers to #JoinNAHN at nahnnet.org today!